Simple Ways To Lose 10 Pounds Fast
The best way to Lose 10 pounds fast is to try some dietary refinements that you would apply temporarily for one or two weeks and then measure your progress from there. Depending on what YOU consume in your current diet, pick one or two of the approaches to lose 10 pounds from the list below.1)Drastically reduce or eliminate refined carbohydrates from your diet. The list would include most breads, pastas, rice, corn and any snack foods made from these. Anything that comes prepared in a package should be avoided. Substitute more vegetables and salads(light dressing) for the missing bulk.
2)No liquid calories. This would include soft drinks, juice and milk. Don't put any sugar or heavy cream in your coffee or tea. Learn to love water. Not only does it contain no calories but it helps to cleanse your system in many different ways.